July 16, 2013

Mother Nature crochets

Who knew Mother Nature could crochet? 

I guess I can't blame her for stealing my idea, since everyone knows most of her handiwork was done millions and millions of years ago....way before my time.  I'm quite impressed with her variety of stitches and intricate designing abilities.

I found this sample of craftiness this morning when Mr. Gadget and I went for a walk on the beach.  We sat down on a bench for a short rest and noticed a row of big boulders right in front of us.  Fortunately I had my camera ...just in case I might see something interesting that I could blog about....you know, now that I'm not picky about my subject matter.

So the men came today to dismantle the bathroom, but they didn't bring sledge hammers, much to my surprise.  They got the job done with box cutters and crow bars.

If there is a bright side to this unfortunate incident it's that we will soon have a new floor and paint job in that room.  And since it's the bathroom I use, I think it's only right that I should be the one to make the decisions.  I'm considering lime green linoleum and walls in bright fuschia.  I'm pretty sure that color combo will deter any of those types who might be prone to leaving the toilet seat up.

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