July 15, 2013

Bring on the sledge hammers

It's amazing, really, how much a blogger can blog about when that blogger is not too picky about the subject matter.  Now that the birthday festivities are over, Mr. Gadget and I are back to business as usual....which, at the moment, is all about waiting for a demolition crew to arrive to tear out some bathroom walls.

While we were hanging out at the Concondo over the last few months, water was dripping above the Calcondo ceiling...the result of a worn toilet seal in the unit upstairs.  It's not clear how much water dripped, but it is clear that there is wetness up there and it must be uncovered and dried out....before that horrid four-letter word mold sets in.  Having two condos that allow for optimum weather management is not always delightful.

So one of the projects I had in mind when I went shopping at the discount fabric store yesterday was a new tablecloth.  I planned to look for something that was: 1) a very good price, 2) wide enough to cover the table without having to do lots of cutting and seaming, and 3) a pleasant design in a somewhat subdued color scheme.  I scored on all three.
This afternoon I got out my sewing machine, reviewed the operating instructions, and stitched a hem all around the piece of fabric.

From store shelf to dining room table in just under 24 hours is my new personal best.  But I'm terribly worried about my membership in the United Sisterhood of Procrastinators. It might be in serious jeopardy.

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