October 10, 2008

No services planned

It was a rather somber day at our house yesterday. These two guys showed up with a big truck, wheeled in a gurney, and carted off one of our own.
Don't worry. It was just our old piano. But I probably had you runnin' for the tissues, didn't I? It's all in the interest of downsizing.

Tech Guy took piano lessons for many years, and is a rather accomplished player. But he doesn't live here anymore, and you know these young kids today. They'd rather have one of those fancy digital keyboards. Well, unless they happen to be on a cruise ship. Once, on a family cruise, TG found all the pianos onboard and managed to play them all. He is not shy.

Look at these guys, would ya? They're riding up into the truck with the piano. You gotta respect a hydraulic lift like that.

So I found a new home for the piano in a rather serendipitous way. My neighbor, who knew I was looking to move the big elephant, I mean the fine musical instrument, passed along some info she saw on Craig's List. Someone nearby was looking for a piano so her children could learn to play. After several emails and one visit for a look-see, the piano was on its way to a new family.

We may hold a memorial service if time permits. Please consider stopping by for some wine and cheese....


Anonymous said...

Wine and cheese? I'm there!

Anonymous said...

Must be something in the air...for I want to get rid of...er give away our unused piano, too. I want one of those electronic keyboards myself....

Giovanni Carlo said...

hydraulic lift saves the day again lifting the heavy piano he he