October 14, 2008

Cruisin' in the 'hood

This is where Mr. Gadget and I cruise during October.....right here at the ol' homefront.

We don't even get off the ship. We sit right here in our deck chairs....after brushing off the leaves....and enjoy the scenery.

We don't have to worry about missing Bingo, the hot tub, or....Heaven forbid....a meal!
I hope Mr. Gadget realized what he was doing last week when he sold his leaf blower.....
I hope he's not expecting me to rake.....

....because I'm planning to sit here on the porch with my pumpkin and wait for room service. This time of year makes a gal yearn for an Irish coffee....


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the fall color! Beautiful....

kathy b said...


you are too funny. I agree vacation at home can only be done by those who appreciate the beauty that surrounds them every day.