At the moment I'm sitting in the treehouse listening to thunder boomers loud enough to raise me out of my sewing-slash-computer chair, and thinking about a new paper mache project. In fact, I've sketched up an idea.
The blue line shows the general shape of the base (my brew of choice):
This should be a less challenging project than the pig, since there will be less contouring required, and no gluing on of appendages using creative gadgetry. Also, there will be no need for Mr. Gadget to buy a new electronic toy, I mean device, with packing materials to satisfy my construction needs.
So I've noticed recently that a few bloggers have been interviewing their husbands about various subjects. Other Marcia, for instance, asked hers what he thought of her knitting hobby. This prompted me to ask Mr. G. if he would willingly submit to this kind of fun. Without much hesitation, he said no. But he did say he had no objection to me doing the interview and putting words in his mouth .....since that's pretty much what I usually do anyway.
Mr. Gadget has a fairly high craft IQ-- a real plus in our marriage. He recognizes knitting, crochet, embroidery, sewing and paper mache. Many years ago, before we met, I went through a crafty phase called latch hooking. This involved using a special hook to pull small bits of colored yarn through a heavy canvas backing and ending up with a shag-like rug, with some sort of a design on it, suitable for hanging on the wall.
It was during this phase that a young man came over to my apartment to pick me up for a date and, upon seeing the very colorful, just-completed latch-hooked rooster hanging in my dining room, asked, "Did you knit that chicken?" Heh...heh.... Right away I knew he wasn't husband material......