August 22, 2008

50,000 mile check-up

So today I went in for my annual physical, and I left the doctor's office with a stack of prescriptions for the usual medications plus an array of scans. I know that as I age there's bound to be some wear and tear on various parts, not to mention a bit of rusting and corroding, and maybe even a little erosion. Scans reveal all of this without the need for bothersome probes plugged into my dashboard. So now I'm all set for entertainment once the Olympics are over....

Thank goodness I got an A+ on my blood test....after all that sweating and cringing and grimmacing I endured during the blood-letting process. And I have a nice cruise to look forward to before I have to submit to more of same.....and the scanning events. Maybe Bob Costas or Rowdy Gaines can narrate.

And here's my little container garden. You can see it's starting to flower nicely.
It's a slow-growing variety. You may remember how I decided, a few months ago, to use this silly drawing, I mean clever visual aid, to show my weight-loss progress. Spread sheets and pie charts are just so boring......well, unless they are lemon meringue pie charts....

Oh, and grab a tissue. I've frogged the Noro sock.
I'm going to knit a scarf instead. I think it makes much more sense to wear those lovely blended colors at eye level rather than stuffed in a shoe out of sight. I'm only sorry I stayed with it so long. I really knew it was all wrong, but I ignored my instincts and kept thinking it would change. Kinda like a few of those bad boys I used to date.
Well, gotta run. I think my radiator is about to spring a leak......


Anonymous said...

Glad you got a clean B of H....mine is still to come, if I ever remember to call and make those appointments!

kathy b said...

Wow, the colors for the scarf are perfect. WHat a beauty it will be.