August 20, 2008

Closet-Cleaning 101

I know it's summer, but that's not stopping me from doing a little spring cleaning. Mr. Gadget and I have a trip coming up and I needed to assess my wearables. This is a process during which I try on articles of clothing.....well, maybe mostly see what fits among the various sizes I have crammed in my closet in no logical order. Maybe I need a spread sheet....
Way back in the deepest recesses of my closet I found this piece of craftiness. I made this shirt a few years ago and did some floral fabric painting on the front. I was trying for a pen and ink effect, with color applied without paying close attention to the lines. I've always liked this look even though, as a child, I tried valiantly to keep my crayon coloring within the lines to please whoever the heck made up that rule. I've become a little rebellious in my old age. I haven't actually worn this shirt yet, but maybe I will before this decade is over. I'm not sure about the buttons though.

I think those have to go. I may have to visit a fabric store or three, or maybe even make a trip down to the big city garment district for just the right ones.

So here's my entire tutorial on closet-cleaning. Do it fast. Don't over-think . Just toss stuff real quick-like. As soon as you start to cogitate over each dress or skirt or pair of pants, you'll more than likely decide you need to keep it for some future occasion. Especially if you're a pack rat like me. After two weeks or so, I don't expect to be pining away for any of the stuff I've tossed or having regrets of any kind. That's because I've got elder-memory syndrome. It comes in handy sometimes.....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Garment district!! I'm ready! And I know my way to the jewelry district, too!