June 03, 2008

Shopping, it's a guy thing

Mr. Gadget is more of a shopper than I am, so yesterday he suggested we mosey up the road a ways to look for a few things for an upcoming trip.
There was a time when going to L.L. Bean required a trip to Maine, but not any more. Now there's a retail store right here in Connecticut. And if one ignores the high price of gas and the perils of driving through Hartford, it's possible to get there in just over an hour.
We would have known it was L.L. Bean even without the sign, since the front door has oars for handles, and once inside we passed canoes, kayaks, tents and camping stoves--none of which were on our shopping list. We kept on walking and eventually hit pay dirt--rain jackets and travel bags.

After our shopping spree, we stopped for lunch and Mr. G had a burger and a combo plate with French fries and onion rings, and I went with the grilled chicken sandwich because I'm into the WW thing.
I'll be honest though. I might have fantasized about the malts. And would you notice that sky! It doesn't look real, I know, but it was. We didn't linger over lunch, as our over-the-top waiter was serving up way too much perkiness. But he did give us 3 nickels to play the jukebox and we spent the whole fifteen.
I mentioned our upcoming trip and you've probably already guessed it's a cruise. We've decided, although reluctantly..heh...heh, to leave the interstate highways to those much more hearty than us. This time we're heading off in a different direction.

We've been told the weather could be hot or cold in this part of the world in the fall. This should make for an interesting packing dilemma. Also, we need to consider international travel restrictions on baggage, plus my tendency to take more than I ever end up wearing....just in case. So I'm wondering if my sensible walking shoes would work for the formal dinners if I wear them with a really long skirt....


Anonymous said...

I just wish the Connecticut store was bigger. Much bigger! And now that they are in Connecticut we have to pay sales tax on catalogue orders, but still. Hope to see you before you head west!

kathy b said...

Wow, Grace, fireman is more of a shopper than I am too!

Anonymous said...

My brow yanker (read: esthetician) is leaving for a Scandinavian trip next week. Looks like the same cruz you're taking. I'm very jealous. Have I told you lately that I soooo want to retire?? Molly McKean