December 05, 2007

Three guys chillin'

The three frosty folks are finished....well, there's always a little bit of a last minute finishing touch required. The disappearing marker I use to draw the face doesn't always cooperate, so I'll have to get the damp cloth out again. And this fella has some threads peaking out from under the back of his hat. Snip, snip, snip.
They each have a nicely decorated hat complete with hatband, holly leaves and berries (see below). This is the first time I've stitched a top on the hat. Usually I just sew across the top, then poke it in slightly after turning right side out. This works well with felt which is sturdy enough to hold its shape. But sewing the top on wasn't difficult, and it looks more like an official top hat. I love to make as many of the accessories as I can rather than buying them ready-made at the craft store.
I like the patchwork print on this one. Since it's not a holiday print, the doll can be displayed all winter. Several people who've bought my snowmen at craft fairs have mentioned they like having him make an appearance in the fall and then hang around till the first day of spring. This guy won't be going along with me to the craft sale tomorrow, since he's the one who's been spoken for. I told the craft sale lady he had been kidnapped.
Here's a look at the hat decor. Sometimes while I'm working on a doll, I wonder what kind of home it'll go to. Will it be near or far? A lady bought one to send to relatives in Germany a while back. Will it be in good company? Another customer bought enough Santas to decorate each room in her house, including the bathrooms. Still another bought several of my for each sit on top of her computer at work. It's fun to hear the stories.
So now I'm going to do a little baking....very little. I plan to take a few of my Snickers brownies on Saturday when I'll be meeting Big City Girl in NYC for lunch and some craft-fair browsing. She tells me there are some fun and festive holiday fairs this time of year. Then we'll have lunch and she'll show me her new apartment. She moved from Brooklyn to Manhattan while Mr. G and I were out to sea......which is, by the way, a very good place for parents to be when a kid happens to mention the "M" word......


Anonymous said...

The "M" word, as in "Marriage"??!! What fun! By the way, I LOVE the expression on the patchwork snowman...hysterical, almost lecherous!

Anonymous said...

Gee, I thought the "M" word was "Manhattan". Isn't that quite a leap from Brooklyn to Manhattan? If the "M" word really is as the other Marcia quickly caught on. Wowee. When will the "N" (nuptials) word happen? Maybe BCG will reveal at next mother/daughter visit???? I will stay tuned. The snowmen are great because they don't melt like poor old Frosty did. Lechery in a snowman, impossible, I say.