Remember your mom's admonition about wearing clean underwear just in case you had an accident and found yourself extremely embarrassed in the ER? Well, the same could be said for refrigerators....because you never know when a distant neighbor might have to go through your refrigerator in preparation for a spur-of-the-moment termite tenting and fumigation procedure, and then you might be called upon to explain why you were saving a big can of frozen grease.
Our SoCal six-unit condo building....also called a six-pack....will be fumigated on Monday. The upstairs neighbors have been remodeling and the contractors called a work stoppage when they pulled up bathroom linoleum and found termites feasting at a sub-floor banquet. I guess it's a good time to be in our east coast digs. And I think I'll turn over a new leaf and give up my grease-saving habit.
In other news, I've been working on a knitting angel ornament. I got the idea from Kathy B. who wondered whether there were knitting angels. And if you go visit her blog today and take a gander at her new socks, you'll see that there are indeed.
Here is the ornament-in-progress. She's wearing a knitted hat and scarf, although I'm afraid the scarf looks more like a Mexican serape. But I do know those are woven, so I suppose this could be a knitting and weaving angel.
The small craft sale yesterday was fun and profitable. I collected a check for some previous doll sales, and also sold this guy.
So now I'm getting excited about a couple of new dolls I want to make. One is a black sheep.... for which I found some fabric last week. I'd like to try attaching the hair using needle-felting. I've noticed other dollmakers have been successful with this technique. Next, I'm going to make a nun, but she won't be a typical nun exactly. She'll be pious but with attitude. And I should think she'll have what it takes to keep these other characters in line.....
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