December 24, 2007

Merry Christmas.......

...from my cast of characters to yours!
"When are the kids arriving?" asked Mr. Gadget.
"I have no idea," I tell him. "You know they aren't planners like we are. If they get here before dark, let's consider it a bonus."
"I put the snow stakes along the driveway this morning," says Mr. G. "Santa will have easy access now, should he decide to bring the sleigh up that way."
"I'm pretty sure they'll just be mud stakes by the end of the day," I say.
"You know those 6 packs of wrapped pennies that have been sitting on the table for months and months?" I asked him.
"You mean the ones collecting dust?"
"Yes, those are the ones. I think Santa is going to put those in the stockings instead of oranges this year. Should weight them down nicely don't you think?
"Poor Santa's going to be pretty tuckered out by the time he gets done at our house, what with maybe having to schlep the sleigh up the muddy driveway and lugging all those pennies," I say. "Maybe we should leave him some of my chocolate cheesecake and a little glass of your Jack Daniels."
"Santa only likes cookies and milk," says Mr. G. "We shouldn't tamper with Santa protocol. Besides, there may be Santa police on patrol later tonight. It would be a shame if Mrs. Claus had to come all the way down here to bail him out."
Have a wonderful Christmas everyone! I'll be back next time with my version of Christmas Unwrapped.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Merry Christmas, Marcia! Did you get a card from WEBS? The Big Sale starts Wednesday......