December 18, 2007

Santa's helpers

Mr. Gadget and I have been very busy lately in our respective workshops. His is in the basement.....maybe I should call it the cave so it won't be confused with the treehouse. He's been working diligently on a table for BCG. It's not a surprise, but rather a special request, since she has an unusually-shaped spot in her kitchen that could be made more useful with an unusually-shaped table.

I, on the other hand, have been up in the treehouse working on several things that must remain under wraps for now. I've finally figured out why I feel the holiday stress this year, in spite of my best intentions to back off. The universe does not tolerate a vacuum and neither does my treehouse (although I did get Betty the Bissell out the other day to tidy up some threads).

Tech Guy stopped by to do his laundry on Sunday, and while he was waiting on the washer he vacuumed out the fridge. Then he sketched this cartoon of his dad. I think it might be his version of Mr. G about to dish out some advice. Anyway, while he was here I asked him if he might scan and crop my just-finished cartoons for the Christmas letter. And since he's Tech Guy he had them done lickety split. He then gave me a tutorial on how to insert my cartoons into my text and patiently waited while I wrote everything down in mom shorthand. So now it's done and ready to mail. I'll post the cartoons in a few days so as not to let any cats out of the bag.

Here's a pretty winter sunset with our backyard gazebo decked out with a lighted wreath. We leave it lit all year since we think it looks festive. Mr. G and I used to string lights all over it for the holidays, but lately we've decided less is more. I guess we're getting older and aren't as willing to suffer frozen finger syndrome.

Well, enough of this blogging around. This elf must get back to work.....

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