December 31, 2007


I can hardly believe it! It's my 2nd blogiversary. I figured this called for a special treat, so I whipped up a little something in the treehouse last night. Then, this morning I tried to figure out what setting would best show it off in all its splendor. I finally decided to set it outside on the deck rail surrounded by the six inches of snow (not!) that fell overnight. Weather-predicting is not an exact science.

And here, for your amusement, are the cartoons I drew for our annual Christmas letter. I'm pretty sure all of the cats are safely out of the bag now.

This one probably looks familiar. Mr. G and I are getting older, going to bed earlier, and occasionally taking advantage of the early-bird special at the local diner.
No explanation necessary.

Tech Guy is now doing what he loves support. The college degree and the teenage computer experiments finally paid off.

Big City Girl has an exciting job in the big city working for a tour company.

"Tell me what intersection you're near, and then I can give you directions to the bus," she has told more than one lost customer.

"I'm at the corner of One-Way Street and No-U-Turn."

And then there were those nasty little termites that invaded the SoCal condo as soon as we locked up and headed east.

Happy New Year everyone! I'm off to get ready for a quiet New Year's celebration with friends. I've volunteered to be the designated driver. I'm pretty sure Mr. Gadget is going to hate me in the morning......heh...heh...


Unknown said...

Well, happy B'versary! Mine is sometime in January, I think.

We stay home on New Year's Eve...that way, no one has to be the DD! Just saying.

Anonymous said...

A hearty congratulations, from upstate New York, on your second blogiversary, Marcia! I'm so glad you became a blogger because I love checking out your creations and enjoy your humor. Happy 2008 and I look forward to seeing what comes off your needles, sewing machine, sketch pad and embroidery hoop this year!

Anonymous said...

Happy New Year! Just a day late...hahaha...but we have the whole year ahead (let's hope)! Yippee

We'll keep bloggin along.....

Conni said...

Wishing you a happy and creative New year - and happy anniversary on your blog!