December 13, 2007

Snow day

We're in for a bit of snow today. In fact, the mayor, from whom we received a recorded message earlier, says we're due for 10" before it's all over. He says we're under a Level 1 Alert which means people who park their cars on the street should move them (I have no idea where....maybe Florida?) so they're out of the way of snow plows.

Just the other day I took this picture.

This sight always tickles me. Do you remember the Erma Bombeck book The Grass is Always Greener over the Septic Tank? Well, my version is The Snow is Always Leaner over the Septic Tank.

My hairdresser was pleased with the flamingo apron.

She was so pleased, in fact, that she gave me a BIG hair-do....just like her own. No need to share either of them here. I have a lot of hair, for which I am lucky in so many ways. But this morning, after sleeping on the BIG hair-do, I had to throw some water on it to calm it down enough to look presentable at the grocery store. I shouldn't have worried. The crowd of shoppers was so pre-occupied with the snow-that-was-on-its-way that my hair would never have been noticed.

I have to admit now I told a little fib. I said I was going to set the embroidery projects aside for a while to make time for some apron-making, but I've managed to work on both. I have two more aprons cut out, and I've been stitching on this:
He'll be a gift, and I found the cutest little box to wrap him in. I should have pictures of both soon.

So now I really have to get cracking on my Christmas letter. I've decided to do a few cartoons, but not as many as I've done in the past. I would have given up on the whole project altogether, but already we've been receiving cards with notes along these lines: "looking forward, as always, to your wonderful cartoon!" I'm a sucker for flattery. I just hope my muse hasn't flown south....


Anonymous said...

Such a great the postest with the mostest! Here, hear!

kathy b said...

Oh, the snowman is so wonderful. Your hairdressers gift is outstanding so cute!!!!!! I might make a list of things i have to do before the 25th too