March 05, 2007

Mouth-watering goodness!

So Tech Guy had a little blog surprise for me when I got home. Apparently it was quite a project which first required some basic culinary skills. Then he worked some magic with Photoshop. It's certainly not subtle, but it does qualify as whimsical I think. I'll live with it for a while and see how it goes. Hopefully it won't distract from the brilliant text....heh....heh.....

It's a little snowy here in Connecticut, not like in SoCal where today people have their doors open to let the warm sunshine in. My relatives have called so I know it to be true. But spring is just around the corner I'm sure, and it won't be long before these guys are back in the neighborhood. I've heard they've made if up from Mexico to the south coast of Florida.

The trip back on Saturday was interesting. I was not able to get my usual JetBlue seat, 17A, and I was quite distraught. Seems there was a big school group aboard and they probably made their reservations a couple of years ago. I was two rows from the back in seat 24A. Not a problem really, if you don't mind listening to the toilet flushing, or chatting with the folks standing in line to use said toilet.

The first hour out was fraught with turbulence. As I clutched my armrest, Mr. Gadget sat comfortably next to me. "It just reminds me of that one rough sea day," he said. On the ride home from the airport, in the craziness that is New York City traffic, we watched the lunar eclipse.

So now we're back to the old routine, almost. I'll be doing laundry, grocery shopping, vacuuming and planning a memorial service for Dear ol' Dad to be held early this summer. And I'll be dealing with plenty of paperwork. But I have dollmaking plans and I'll be fitting that in because it's what I love to do. I'll start with a couple of Red Hat ladies, what with spring and Mother's Day coming up. And I'll finish the manly cabled sweater, probably while I watch some University of Connecticut women's basketball. Then I might just have to do a little more yarn shopping......

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think I love your new banner! It really does say it all...Tech Guy is good!