March 09, 2007

Manly man; manly sweater

TA-DA! Finished! It's the men's cable pullover from BH&G's Knit-It Spring 2006. I used Brown Sheep Lamb's Pride worsted (85% wool / 15% mohair) in Medieval Red with size 7 and 8 circular needles. This knitting magazine is getting quite dog-eared though. It also has the pattern for Big City Girl's dustmop sweater. Hmmmm.....I wonder if there might be something for me in there too? I'm pretty sure Tech Guy wouldn't be interested in something handknit, although he did remark that this one does look quite professional.

I'm very happy with the results, and I'm especially pleased that it fits so well and that I was finally able to figure out that gauge thing. I did make the sleeves longer than the pattern called for, and I allowed for the cuff to be turned up, per Mr. G's request. He's pleased as punch, and thinks I really did something special for he's taking me out to dinner. I can see much more manly knitting in my future.....

So I guess, in light of the dinner invitation, it's a good thing I was able to get in to see my hairdresser today. It's been a while since I've had a haircut. Can you tell?

I'm very fortunate that I have a lot of hair. Mr. G. isn't so lucky. He thinks it's very unfair that I have so much and he has so little. Many times I've offered to be a donor, but he hasn't taken me up on it. Next best thing would be for me to knit him a hat, but he doesn't like that idea either. He's more of a baseball cap kind of guy. Once in a while, when we're out in the sun, he'll offer me one of his baseball caps, but I usually decline. "With all of my hair, it just makes my head too hot," I tell him. Then he gets a little bit of an attitude. "Yeah, yeah, yeah, don't rub it in!" he says.

So I really meant to start on some dolls today, but I realized I would need to clean up the treehouse before I could feel ok about starting anything, and I wasn't in the mood. It's pretty in here today, though, what with the sun shining brightly and the snow outside. It's been bitterly cold for the last few days, but it's supposed to warm up tomorrow.......maybe to the 50's. That might put me in the mood to clean.

I've also been meaning to go out and get a picture of the neighbor's treehouse. You may remember my story of how the dad had it built to surprise his three daughters. They used it a couple of times until one of the girls saw a dead mouse in there and that was the end of that. I considered inquiring about renting it at one time, but I didn't much care for the mouse story either. And I'm sure, even worse, there are plenty of spiders. I think I'll just stay put in my own treehouse. It's got heat, TV, internet, a coffee mug warmer, telephone, and a CD player. But I have been thinking of inquiring about a butler......


Anonymous said...

Way cool, way cute!

Anonymous said...

Frank's sweater is terrific! If I made one for my hubby, I'd have to find a maternity pattern, if you catch my drift!