March 02, 2007

The Curmudgeon News

So today I walked down to the main office of the condo complex to put a little notice in the newsletter box about Dear Ol' Dad's passing. When you live in a big place like this with lots of older folks, these bits of information are regular features.

When I got back, Mr. Gadget asked me if I had ever given thought to writing for this newsletter, what with my fondness for writing and all.

"Well, I guess I could write a little feature called The Curmudgeon Report because there seems to be an abundance of these folks around," I said.

"You could title it The Weekly Curmudgeon, he suggested. "Or, what about a little puzzle piece called Guess the Curmudgeon?"

I suppose we could be called curmudgeon bashers....

I probably shouldn't mention this, but I think Mr. G. is beginning to display some of these curmudgeon traits. Without fail, the day before we leave to go back to Connecticut (we'll be heading east tomorrow), he prints out his "to-do" list that he keeps saved on the computer. I never pay too much attention to this. But this morning I actually took issue with it when he started spouting off my plans for the day.

"Don't foist any of that list stuff on me," I told him sternly. "I keep a mental list and if I forget something I'll just have to suffer the consequences."

I'm wondering if curmudgeonism starts out like this and then escalates into worse things like having to make signs about trash dumpster usage and an overwhelming urge to regulate door entry and exiting. Or keeping tabs on who doesn't pick up their dog poop.

Well, I guess I shouldn't complain. He accompanied me to the lawyer's office today and translated all that legal mumbo jumbo into language I could understand. Then he took me out to dinner. So I'll just say he's super organized and interested in my wellbeing.

It will be nice to get back to the treehouse though. No curmudgeons there. Just lots of characters who will probably have some interesting stories to tell. Like what went on in the house while we were away and Tech Guy was taking care of things. I don't even want to think about it.

We'll be off first thing in the morning for the east coast. Maybe JetBlue won't be so crowded anymore..heh...heh...


Anonymous said...

About the JetBlue, I love the airline's redeye to Ft Lauderdale from LB. Here's another thought... perhaps, condo living begats curmudgeons? We are about to find out as Mr. H. and I will have this condo soon. I'll get busy with article suggestions for "The Curmudgeon News" once escrow closes. heh..heh..heh.

Anonymous said...

I hope it's okay to leave another comment on the same post as long as it's under an assumed name: Just love the crafty new banner--seems like it wasn't there when I made a prior comment on this post?...from Your Anonymous Blogger Friend (thank you for the compliment on my new blog, too!) Ha..ha...ha.