March 18, 2007

Bunnies for all

Well it seems that Tech Guy didn't want to be outdone by his sister and her bunny Bam Bam,

so he went down to the pet store.....heh...heh.....and picked up one of these:

While Bam Bam will just eat a few bunny pellets and some hay now and then, Tech Guy's bunny is more likely to consume gallons and gallons and gallons.

And my science experiment, while not providing the exact result I wanted, tells me I'm on the right track.

I was hoping the picture would speak for itself, but I can see now that it might be confusing. The red felt that I stiffened for the top of the doll hat is actually so stiff that it supports canned goods. I do believe I can get the shape I want with a lighter coat of stiffener. Also, I need to remember not to apply it at the very bottom, otherwise I won't be able to get the needle through the fabric when I'm attaching it to the brim. Further experimenting is required, but I am confident.

And as promised, here is a picture of the neighbor's treehouse:

It was built around two trees, both of which come up through the roof. This, of course, provides easy entry for spiders, mice, squirrels, and even racoons I suppose. Just the perfect place for little girls to play. My guess is that it will serve a purpose one day. When they get ready to sell the house, I'm sure it will have much curb appeal for a family with active, adventurous boys. I can only hope we've moved on by then.
And finally, today Mr. Gadget is resting as he recuperates from a nasty encounter with our deck yesterday. Since this is his second mishap with the deck, I've promised him I won't spread any of the details around the blog. But I've also made him promise never to go near the deck least while he's married to me.....with any sort of a tool or power machinery. I keep encouraging him to take up knitting, but so far he's not going for it.....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That tree house looks big enough to qualify as an extra bedroom! Spring is in tomorrow and it's time to get rid of "dust" bunnies for me! Tra la la la....