That was well before the purple hair phase and the skinny beaded braid phase, and the phase of wearing funny hats so that very little hair was visible at all. I really tried hard not to comment very much, as I pined away for the days of the lovely hair she was born with, uneven bangs and all. Older, more experienced moms warned me that kids go through stages, and if I was patient and kept my mouth shut, the original version would return. I tried and it has.
The birthday placemat is one I made back when I was going through my machine-applique phase. The fabric letters were all made from my scrap pile. I did make BCG a cute little dress out of the "B" fabric, and a blouse for her and her doll out of the alphabet-print "A." I think the blue "A" and "Y" were kitchen curtains. I did a lot of machine-applique a few years ago, but I finally got appliqued out. Well, I'm not sure if it was that, or if I just got weary from the frequent trips out to buy more thread. I had no clue about the thread requirements.
Just for the record, I've abandoned my red doll hat experiment. Sometimes the old way of doing things ends up being the best. A gathered circle of felt works well for the top, and the place where I join it to the brim is covered with tulle trim anyway, so any little uneven stitches don't show. I can make one fairly quickly, and without getting my hands dirty.
I'm hoping to get a Red Hat Lady done this week so I can put her up on eBay. I haven't sold anything on eBay for a while, and it's always fun to watch the know how I like to track things. I haven't thought of a name yet, but I'm sure one will pop up, maybe as I'm making up her face. At the moment I have cocktail glasses full of doll feet in the kitchen. Just business as usual.
Mr. Gadget is recuperating slowly from his deck mishap. He has gone out to lunch with a friend, and is no doubt having a glass of wine to help deal with the discomfort. I'm feeling a little badly now about having had a chuckle or two over his tendency toward deck accidents. It seems I've suddenly developed a pain of my own, and for no apparent reason. My right leg is sore, making it painful to get up and down out of a chair, and walk up and down stairs. I can only hope that these are not signs of early-onset curmudgeonism. Please let me know if you ever notice any signs here of special rules and regulations for blog readers.....
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