March 15, 2006

Red Hat Snowlady

It's still the snow season here in the northeast, although no one wants to hear it. We might get some on Friday. I don't mind. I've been out of the snow zone for the last few weeks, so it might be fun--almost like the first snowfall of the season. So, in honor of the snow we might be getting, here is my red hat snowlady. I put her up on eBay a while back, but didn't get any takers. I like to think it's because I may not have listed her properly. That does make a difference on eBay, and I'm learning as I go. I will re-list her at a later date, unless someone comes by my table at a craft fair and does a little gleeful dance.....because they are a Red Hat Lady, or they know someone who is.

Since arriving home last weekend, I've been itching to get into my sewing room and start something.......but all kinds of chores keep getting in the way. I do have the sheep doll on my agenda, and the pilgrim pair, but I think I'd like to make another Red Hat Lady first. I found some fabric in Calif......the same as the "mum" sheep print, only purple.

I've sold three of my Red Hat Ladies on eBay. One went to a woman who was bidding on lots of Red Hat stuff. She either had quite a collection, or she had a shop. Another was purchased by a man for his mom. He said she was a Red Hat Lady herself, and he thought the doll looked a lot like her. And the third went to a very nice lady in the south who was also a Red Hatter, and had a collection of dolls in her office. I hope my doll has adjusted well and is playing nice!

So Tech Guy came over and helped me with the blog. I'm pretty sure it was the burritos. I sent all of the left-overs home with him. He showed me how to do my posts on Microsoft Word, and it looks like the picture arranging is fairly simple there. He, with his super mind for all things technical, could not figure out the multiple picture posting on Blogger either. So now I have my instructions all written out (click this "thingie" and then double-click on that "thingie") and......I thought I was good to go. But I forgot to ask him how to do the titles.

It's the cactus brain, I tell you.......

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