March 24, 2006

Love those fans!

More Tech Guy artwork today, and I must say, he's my biggest fan. I think he's still in shock that I actually started the blog. And when he found out I was going to sell things on ebay, he almost had to lay down and rest til his heart resumed normal rhythms. I'm indeed fortunate to have my very own blog illustrator!

Not much going on today other than preparations for a birthday celebration for Big City Girl. She'll be arriving by train in a couple of hours. And Tech Guy will be coming over after work. Then it's off to a local restaurant for dinner......where they do it up real nice for a birthday celebrant.

I did do a little jewelry shopping for my latest Red Hat Lady.....which I hope will be going up on eBay the first of the week. Sometimes I make their earrings, and other times I just buy regular pierced ones. I deck them out in gold, rhinestones or pearls. This is the first Red Hat Lady I've bejeweled (I think that's a word) in pearls. I hope she's happy with her outfit and her make-up job. Otherwise, she could be a real pain and insist that I make changes....and then it will be later in the week. Most of the Ladies are easy to get along with. I haven't had one get nasty yet. It's the witches I have to watch out for.

After the festive birthday weekend, I'm going to start the sheep doll. I'm always anxious to see how a new doll will come out. And I'd better start washing some of the raw wool I'm planning to decorate him with. I want him to look like a farm animal, but definitely not smell like one!

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