March 27, 2006


I finished another Red Hat Lady doll and she's now up on eBay (go to and put "red hat lady doll" in the search box, if you're interested). I named her Pearl, since she just loves her pearl jewelry. She's also named after the mother of an old friend of mine, with whom I visited while in California. We used to work together, and I hadn't seen her in over 20 years. Mother Pearl is in her late 80's and is quite something. She isn't a Red Hat Lady, but she should be. She'd be driving all of her pals around, and partying into the night, long after they'd all gone to bed!

Now I'm taking a little break, to catch up on some house chores and recuperate from the weekend.....and the Univ. of Connecticut's Women's nail-biting basketball win last night. I did wash the wool for the sheep doll, and it is drying as I type. When I bought it at Rhinebeck (NY Sheep & Wool Festival) last fall, I figured it would be Santa beards. What did I know!

Anyway, Big City Girl did arrive home last Friday for her birthday celebration and we had much merriment in the house. Her boyfriend came too, as well as Tech Guy. I was quite impressed with her new jewelry. No pearls for BCG. Instead, rubber bands. On each wrist, she had about 50 wide rubber bands. Obviously not something from Tiffany's. No, they were from the mailroom, where she's been spending a big chunk of her internship......sorting mail. This is the kind of activity that parents love spending out-of-state tuition on. But let's not go there. It makes me sqeamish.

The other day, on a visit to the bank (let's hope it was company business) the teller passed her the receipt under the little glass thingie, along with 2 rubber bands--one blue and one green. Apparently, no words were spoken. I guess the teller thought it would be fun to add some color and play along. I wanted to get a picture, but she had to run for the train. I'll try to get one on her next visit, unless she's been hospitalized for circulation problems.

So now I'm off to Trader Joe's to see if I can find some interesting food items to spice up my WW program. I'll definitely get one of my favorites--Dr. Praeger veggie burgers. Something much more healthy and lower in points than the birthday cake and cookie dough ice cream I've been grazing on all weekend. I have an idea. Maybe I could put my hands behind my back and use some rubber bands like keep me out of the fridge. Hmmm.....wonder where I could get some?

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