December 22, 2009

What to do when the baking's done

I finished my Christmas baking--and my good vanilla--and was wondering how I might recycle the empty bottle. Seemed a shame to throw away a cute little bottle like this.
He needs a few more body parts and some fine tuning, but he will make a great pet when he's done. One of those quiet pets that doesn't need much care. A project like this is just the thing to keep a person who might be prone to holiday stress from wringing her hands or worse--heading to the fridge for some fudge...

1 comment:

Marcia said...

Well, that fudge ship has sailed, so I guess it's hand-wringing for me. Just when I thought I was done, T comes home with more kid presents to wrap! Fudge would actually help!

Merry Christmas...we hit the road in the AM!