December 11, 2009

What I'm doing instead....

....of what I should be doing, which is working on our Christmas cartoon and newsletter, or cleaning Mr. Gadget's bathroom. Oh, he has those little pop-up disinfectant sheets for a quick wipe-up, but it's not the same as me doing a more thorough and complete job with my vast array of cleaning products. And just between you and, never mind. He's taking me out to dinner so I'll spare the pig humor.

So here is Mr. Fringy Snowman. I can't seem to make a clay scarf with fringe that doesn't look like a wild animal claw, but I will keep practicing. Paint will help too. With each clay project, I learn a little more about the process. Since this picture was taken, I've partially built up the base and included some clumps of snow to weight the whole piece down a bit, since he had a tendency to fall backward....what with all of his exuberance.

And while I had my hands in the clay, I came up with a great idea for the Christmas cartoon. Funny how the muse never comes calling while I have my scrub brush in the toilet....


Marcia said...

That's the way muses seem to work! He's looking rather spiffy and very exuberant indeed! A new calling for you?

I'll be in touch re: Tuesday. Might need a few last minute Christmas presents from your collection but have to think about it. Whatcha got left at this point?

Anonymous said...

So creative, Marcia!!! Very nice...

Kathy W said...

The anon comment was from me...hit the wrong button

Conni said...

Can't wait to see him done! I love his pose!