December 29, 2009


I'm learning the rules of clay, but seem to be forgetting the laws of gravity.
See what I mean? He's hovering. Maybe he's been observing the bat, I mean Mr. Gadget's new remote-controlled helicopter. He seems to be able to do this without batteries, so at least he'll be cheap to keep.
His backside is strictly G-rated.

Here's a close-up of his face. He's in need of more sanding before I do the painting. I think he'll be a perfect treehouse pet.

This is the time of year when I get a hankerin' to knit. I find it relaxing after a frantic, I mean busy holiday season. It's hard to justify buying more yarn when I have several unfinished projects in the closet, so I've pulled out the green pullover.
I don't think I named this particular sweater, probably because it was behaving nicely. I have all the knitting done and just have the seaming to do--not my favorite part. It will have a rolled edge--rather than ribbing--around the neck, sleeves and bottom of the sweater.
Meanwhile, I have all kinds of ideas for more clay projects. And I have lots of clay. And clay tools. I promise I'll keep the levitating to a minimum.

1 comment:

Jen said...

Nice looking sweater. Post a pic when it's seamed together, please.