December 20, 2009

A serving of randomness with a side of festive fotos

Yesterday we had a few old-neighborhood neighbors over for some holiday cheer. We were hoping to hear lots of juicy gossip, but were sadly disappointed. Chalk it up to that good ol' New England reserve.We waited patiently all day yesterday for the big snowstorm headed our way. The weather folks, who get high on hype and for some unknown reason must name everything, had dubbed it the Winter Wallop. By the time we went to bed, there were one or two flakes. This morning there's a nice little dusting of powdery stuff.
I forgot to mention, I did fairly well at the old hotel craft fair. I sold 7 of the 14 dolls I submitted. The man who bought my cat at the last fair quickly snatched up the cat I made for this I will take a whole gaggle of cats next time. Oh, and the Santas in the Christmas tree sold well in spite of my concern. It's a good thing too, since they chose to use my doll pedestals for jewelry displays.

Tech Guy arranged for one of Big City Girl's friends to stop by her office last week with a big package wrapped festively in newspapers. I hope it was the comics at least. "Don't open it now," he told her. "You'll know when the time is right." About an hour later the FED-EX man came with an overnight package. It was a tortoise. It's new house was in the wrapped box. She named it Shelby. I hope Shelby likes the big city.

I'm done with my shopping, but haven't finished my Christmas letter. I'll get to it right after I finish this blog post. I may need a cup of coffee and a piece of my chocolate biscotti first. It's well known that chocolate is very effective in jump-starting the creative process.

Just how many bowl games can there be, I wonder? I think I heard Mr. Gadget say yesterday, "One down, 33 to go."

This afternoon we'll go over to our next-door neighbors' condo for an open house. It's nice not to have to travel far for a party in this weather. No potential for fender benders; just a small possibility for bruised knees. I'll take some homemade fudge and maybe some biscotti--if there's any left. It may take me a while to finish the Christmas letter.....


Marcia said...

The ConnCondo looks lovely! What you saw, decoration-wise, when you were here was it for me this year. I had an urge to drag out some lighted roping the other day but fought it off! On the other hand, I have all the cards done and about 90% of the wrapping, so I'm knitting a hat for baby Gus! Might make some double batches of biscotti this afternoon. (When we were out doing errands yesterday, Terry hurried me out of B,B&B before I could buy a better cappuccino machine.....hmmm. Think that might be a clue to a Christmas present? Enjoy your party...I'm pushing for a trip to the range!

Kathy W said...

ConnCondo looks so festive. Congrats on your craft sales, too!
Merry Christmas and Happy New year to you.
And Mr. G., too.