March 16, 2009

Silly Milly

She's a work-in-progress. But then, aren't we all? You may remember, she started out life as an enchilada sauce can.

I intend to keep brushes, pencils, pens and maybe even knitting needles in her. Unless I decide to make her a fashionable hat. Then she'll hold my chocolate stash. I think Milly will be the kind of gal who'll keep it safe.
So Mr. Gadget and I have been spending a lot of time over at the old homestead, trying to get it into decent enough shape to list in a less-than-stellar real estate market. The wallpaper steamer worked great, but now we are left to spruce up walls that look similar to what I remember of my teenage complexion. I don't think Cover Girl will do the trick, and I don't think they sell it in gallon sizes anyway.
Boy, do I remember those days. I thought my face would never clear up. But eventually I got older and my face improved--to the point where a hairdresser once told me he couldn't believe I'd ever had a bad complexion. I'm sure he was figuring on a bigger-than-usual tip. It wasn't too many years later that the age spots began to appear.
Maybe I'll put some age spots on Milly. And some gray hair and reading glasses. Then we can sit here together in the Lighthouse and commiserate about our vanishing youths...while we eat chocolate.....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

And now you know why I hate wallpaper! It was so bad in our kitchen we had two choices: redo the wallboard or use textured paint! The textured paint worked great! Milly is very interesting.....