March 11, 2009

Arachnological dilemma

So I made a collar for the green-haired, clay-faced witch and thought it would be a cool place to put a spider.
But Mr. Gadget told me it looked more like a tick than a spider. I suppose I have to agree. Living in the Northeast as I do, I'm very familiar with ticks, and if I never see another one it will be fine with me. I replaced the button with a smaller one, and added some length to the front legs.
There. That's better.

I haven't felt much like blogging this past week, but I did get involved in a wallpaper-removal project. I felt much more like doing that..heh...heh...My neighbor kindly loaned me her wallpaper-removal steamer, and what a slick little device that is! I closed myself up in our little bathroom, removed all the wallpaper, and cleared out my sinuses all in one fell swoop.

I have made some progress on the acrimonious afghan, but I didn't work on it while Big City Girl was here for a short visit.....lest she recognize the colors of her former love nest. I didn't want to risk opening an old wound that seems to be healing nicely.

On a recent trip to Costco, Mr. Gadget saw some interesting storage thingies and mentioned that they might be useful to me in the Lighthouse. Last night he began the assembly process, and I remarked that he looked like a kid playing with tinker toys.

I'm pretty sure this thing will hold my entire fabric stash. Well, my current fabric stash that is. It's no secret that I brake for fabric stores like some folks brake for Starbucks.

Now you'll have to excuse me. I have some filing to do.....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yeah, but how's your YARN stash doing? Ready for a WEBS trip? I was thinking Saturday, 3/21 because Barb Parry is doing a "trunk show" of her yarns and is giving a slide show presentation about life on a sheep farm. Check her blog ( for the CUTEST video of some new lambies!