March 24, 2009

On loan to the Louvre

Big City Girl presented her father and I with one of her paintings on Sunday when we gathered for the family birthday festivities. It's our old house, done in acrylics and collage. Mr. Gadget and I spent most of today at this ol' house. We had planned to paint, but ended up entertaining a couple of plumber guys. And now I don't have to worry about what to get Mr. G for his birthday later this week. He'll be getting 3 new toilets and a new pipe from the house to the septic tank...
So the Sunday birthday celebration was fun.
We gave TG a card with some cash. He's 27 now, and gift ideas are harder to come by. He already has a fine working toilet and sewers in his neighborhood. We gave BCG an easel, which will be put to good use. It has extendable legs, so she can paint in Central Park, or on her bed. I'm guessing her next masterpiece will be either the skyline of Manhattan, or the pigeons on her windowsill.
In my spare time, I've been working on the witch with light green boa. Notice how I'm getting less and less creative with doll names? I think it's the paint fumes.
Did I mention, two lovely shrubs will have to be sacrificed to the septic gods? Septic guy says he will try to replant them, but I'm not feeling confident. Then again, as Erma said, "The grass is always greener over the septic tank," so maybe.....
Witch with light green boa has a spider on her boot, and she'll have one on her hat band too, but I haven't gotten to that one yet. See that expression on her face? It's the same one I had yesterday when I got the plumbing news. By the way, those 3 new toilets will not be comfort toilets. We've opted for standard-issue potties. If there is a bright side to all of this....and I do like to look for a bright's that the toilets will arrive already scrubbed....

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