March 30, 2009
Monday highlights
March 26, 2009
Potty break

We're taking a little vacation today from terminal shubbery issues, walls with bad complexions, and all things celebrate Mr. Gadget's birthday. He'll spend some time in his basement office and I'll take care of business here in the Lighthouse, and we'll join up later for dinner at a nice restaurant here in the neighborhood for which we received a gift card from the builders of our new condo as a thank you for choosing to live here.
Mr. Gadget has told me on occasion that his family was not big on celebrating birthdays. My family was more inclined to celebrate, but honestly, I only remember one in particular. I think I was about 7 or 8. In those days, your mom made a cake and bought some party hats and a Pin-the-Tail-on-the-Donkey game. Girls wore party dresses and boys wore nice shirts and pants.
At this particular birthday party, after all the gifts were opened, my mom lit the candles on my birthday cake and carried it in to me. My friends began to sing, and apparently someone said something funny and got me to giggling. When it came time to blow out the candles, I ended up spitting on the cake. I was so mortified, I ran crying to my room and wouldn't come out.
On another subject, I'm having second thoughts about renaming the Treehouse the Lighthouse. It just doesn't feel right. Sometimes these things happen, and you just have to admit you made a mistake and acted too hastily. So it's back to the Treehouse. I had a great idea once for a children's book that took place in a treehouse. Maybe I'll revisit it. How neat would it be to write a treehouse story in a treehouse? Then again, maybe it's possible to over-treehouse....
March 24, 2009
On loan to the Louvre
March 22, 2009
Spiders on the keyboard
So today Mr. Gadget and I will be traveling to Tech Guy's neighborhood for our annual kid birthday lunch. Big City Girl will be coming up on the train from the BC to meet us. Her birthday was Friday, and TG's was in February while Mr. G and I were on the west coast. We have no plans to go inside TG's apartment. He prefers to meet us on the sidewalk. This is fine with us, as TG has a turtle and two snakes. I usually text-message him as we are approaching his neighborhood. I could call, but then I have to listen to the silly message he has on his voice mail: "Please enjoy the music while your party is being reached."
After lunch, BCG will return home with us, and tomorrow she and I will do some mother-daughter painting at the old house. Which reminds me, I'd better hide the spiders. BCG doesn't like spiders. Did I ever mention how fond she used to be of inviting all manner of friends over for a sleep-over in our nice, finished basement? Mr. G and I eventually learned we could easily control the influx of giggling teenage girls by merely mentioning that we'd recently noticed a growing spider population...
March 18, 2009
A day at the zoo
March 16, 2009
Silly Milly
March 11, 2009
Arachnological dilemma
I haven't felt much like blogging this past week, but I did get involved in a wallpaper-removal project. I felt much more like doing that..heh...heh...My neighbor kindly loaned me her wallpaper-removal steamer, and what a slick little device that is! I closed myself up in our little bathroom, removed all the wallpaper, and cleared out my sinuses all in one fell swoop.
I have made some progress on the acrimonious afghan, but I didn't work on it while Big City Girl was here for a short visit.....lest she recognize the colors of her former love nest. I didn't want to risk opening an old wound that seems to be healing nicely.