May 18, 2008

Sister Mary Bodacious

This morning I did a rough sketch of the nun doll I envision. I plan to work on her this coming week, between the gardening chores I've managed to put off and finishing some travel tissue holders I've promised to a friend.
It's lovely here in the treehouse this morning with the sun streaming in. What with the nun and the light and it being Sunday and all, I feel like I'm having a religious experience.

Here's something I found the other day in the bowels of our basement:
It's one of BCG's high school ceramic projects, and it's perfect for storing my colored pencils. BCG was really thinking when she designed this piece. See that hole near the top? It's a perfect place for my middle finger and makes for easy lifting. You'd almost think she inherited some of her father's engineering skills.

So I've been looking over my food quilt top and I'm about to get my calculator out to see just how many rows of squares I'll need before it's complete and can be assembled....or maybe I should say sandwiched.
I may take this along on our next trip to SoCal and do the sandwiching there, since the condo complex has a big community room with tables that would make that process so much easier. I remember putting together Tech Guy's crazy quilt out on our deck many years ago, in the Fall, and a few dried leaves made their way into the sandwich.

The only problem I anticipate at the condo is the possibility of rules about such things. It's a place where curmudgeons never sleep. And they never let their guard down. They are ever-vigilent. I'm sure they might tell me I should have made a reservation to use the room and that a cleaning deposit is the event that I leave fabric scraps around....or pickles or wilted lettuce.....

I guess I could take the whole thing down to the beach and do it there, but then there'd be all that sand. And I just hate sand in my sandwich, don't you?


Anonymous said...

If you want to do it before then, I'm sure you could use the tables in the big room at Ballard! I have a method of "sandwiching" using those big binder (?) clips from the office supply store. I have millions.

Anonymous said...

Just catching up at your blogsite. Such good photos! and cute wording....and ideas!