May 03, 2008

Birthday veggies

Tonight Mr. Gadget and I will be meeting friends at a local restaurant for dinner, and it will be a good opportunity to deliver a belated birthday gift. The Mrs. always enjoys receiving something I've handmade. Not everyone does. I know it's hard to believe..heh...heh... She is sure to get a chuckle out of this veggie ensemble. I'm just sorry I can't include those little numbered stickers you see in the grocery store that tell the checkers what to put in the cash register. I've always wondered if the produce clerks ever get bored putting those things on every apple and tomato. Then again, a job that lets you zone-out might not always be a bad one to have. And I wonder if you're like me. Just before you wash a tomato, do you stick that sucker on the side of the sink....and then have to scrape it off later?

Here's the whole bunch of veggies I made long ago, and that I've been slowly giving away as gifts to friends who have always acted pleased as punch to get them. It's possible most of them ended up in the compost pile, but at least everyone's been considerate enough not to let on.

So Mr. G and I are getting ready for our road trip next week. Details will follow shortly. We will be taking my know, the one with the spare tire and the jack. And the automatic transmission. I doubt we'll need the 4-wheel drive, since where we're going is mostly prairie, unless it would be helpful for tornadoes, but I think not.

The wrens still haven't returned, and I hope they don't sneak in after we're gone. I really enjoy watching them arrive, scope the place out, and then alert the moving van. And how they get all those twigs in that tiny hole of a front door is beyond me. Quite possibly there's a lesson here. Maybe there is a way I can squeeze into last years' jeans......

1 comment:

Jen said...

I love those veggies! So cute!
