May 29, 2008

Interim report card*

Just stopping by to report on the status of my current assignments. Reminds me of those mid-semester report cards that came to the house when TG and BCG were in school that basically just informed us they were showing up for class.....and working well with others. Which reminds me of those god-awful group projects that caused them so much pain. There was always someone in the group who did next-to-nothing and got to share the good grade earned by the others. "You'll be well prepared for life," I'd tell them. "There'll be at least one of those in every workplace."

Good thing my assignments are all solitary pursuits.

Here are some fabric flowers in progress for the front door wreaths. I've kinda lost interest in these (*student demonstrates lack of effort), but I'll press on. They'll look nice near the newly-manicured planting beds. This was a heart attack waiting to happen, I mean a fine bit of exercise to complement my weight loss plan.

The brown cedar mulch will provide a nice carpet for the deer when they arrive to eat the shrubs. Deer don't like tromping through the weeds.

I'm just about finished with the red pest, and that even includes re-knitting several inches of the back that required frogging to eliminate uneven stitches caused by a yarn flaw.......and then tinking (un-knitting stitch-by-stitch) a few rows when I realized I'd gotten so caught up in the excitement of a Yankee baseball game I decreased too many stitches for the armhole (* student shows lack of attention in math class).

The wren project is still in the works, with wren parents handling the egg incubation period with no need for my intervention (*student demonstrates aptitude for delegating responsibility). I'm sure they're looking forward to parenthood as much as I was. All hell will be breaking loose shortly.

And on top of all that, I made some progress at Weight Watchers. Today I lost 2.6 lbs. So tonight, to celebrate, Mr. Gadget and I are going out to dinner with some friends at a really good restaurant just down the street. When it came to choosing which night to go, I got to be the decider, and it seemed reasonable to pick the evening of the morning of my weigh-in. This way, if there happens to be a major train wreck, I'll have plenty of time to get that baby back on the tracks (*student shows excellent problem-solving abilities).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

A local garden supply place carries a deer repelling spray that works quite well, should you want to try it. Young's, right behind Adam Broderick down near the Stop and Shop center. Sweater is looking good...are you going to get A Fine Fleece? I'm still trying to decide which one I'm going to make!