June 17, 2006

Words: wise and wide

This is a small piece of cross stitch I did long ago as a gift to my dad. The date on the back says "1986" so it's been hanging here in the kitchen for almost 20 years. I did have to dust it a bit.....heh..heh.. When I saw this saying in my book of cross stitch patterns, I knew I had to do it for my dad. One of his favorite sayings when I was growing up was, "Be sure brain is in gear before engaging mouth."

Here are some words that were being drawn in the sky by an airplane as hubby and I made our way up to the Father's Day BBQ at the nursing home today. The whole message, which we could read once we parked, was "Who is Kyle?" We're figuring some well-heeled parents may have commissioned this work-of-art as a graduation greeting--this being the graduation season and all. And to think that my graduate had to settle for Hallmark....

On Monday, the hubby and I will be heading west again, or maybe I should say, further west. We have plans to spend a week in Maui with his brother and wife. They have a lavish spread, I mean a very nice home in the Kapalua area. We were there once before for a week, during which time Maui had a record rainfall. This time they've promised us sun, and we're going to hold them to it.

So I finished the striped sock, and I'm not so sure I like it as well as I thought I would. The toe is a little too pointy, and I know I could fix it if I wanted to do a little tinking. I might just start a new pair of socks in some lighter-colored yarn that I just happened to bring along. And I think I'll use my old pattern with the size 2 needles. After all, a knitter and her sock need to have a good emotional bond, especially if they're going to spend some quality time together in a tropical paradise. There might be some sock-in-progress pictures to look forward to......against a nice refreshing Mai-tai, or a lovely Hawaiian sunset......

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