June 11, 2006

The Rules

Just down the sidewalk from our condo is this cute little bush in a tree. It's a little quirk of nature and it always makes me smile. I think the tree and the bush are quite fond of each other. The gardeners in the condo complex do an excellent job, and I'm sure they take great pride in nuturing this special relationship.

One of the rules of the condo association is that residents must be at least 55 years old to live here. There are many, many more rules. Hubby notices more of these rules than I do, since he visits the gym regularly and sometimes has reason to visit the clubhouse office area where many of them are posted. The other day he returned home and declared that there is a "curmudgeonization" process going on in the complex. This, he said, is a process whereby seemingly rational people somehow morph into cantankerous older folks on power trips concerned with rules and procedures. For instance, he says, there are 21 rules for using the golf course. "Don't do this and don't do that." Rule 21 says, "It's your golf course; enjoy it!" There are also rules for the trash dumpsters and the car parking stickers and the pool tables. Once I had to deliver something to the office and I used the wrong door......for which I received a two-curmudgeon scolding. Thank goodness we'll never be curmudgeons......

So the Kansans are enroute to points east, having put their feet into the Pacific Ocean and partaking of my blueberry cheesecake (no leftovers!) The kiddies had a great time with their treasure hunt. In fact, I emailed Tech Guy and asked him if he remembered the birthday bicycle treasure hunt I'd done for him many years ago. He said he remembered it fondly. Then I asked him if he wanted me to do another one for him when he visits us here in Cali in a few weeks.....and he said, "I'd love it!" If I do it, I'm thinking I'll hide the clues outside. I wonder if the curmudgeons have rules about such things.........

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

No, they are all from California that's for sure. The regulations for doing just about anything fun out here even if you are under 55 is amazing. Then they wonder why the youth join gangs, here? It's because they aren't allowed to do anything else. There is no skateboarding, model airplane flying, kite flying,and no fishing unless you have a license and no falling down and hurting yourself. There is no bike riding except in bike lanes with helmets. Can't put a boat in at the beach. No putting innertubes in the ocean and enjoying a nice swim. Geesch you might drown. No skipping rocks due to the "environmental" concerns for the animals. No tidepools to borrow anything from. No collecting natural objects of any sort including possibly seashells, no glass objects of any sort down by the beach, no drinking on the beach or in any park, no farting anywhere. No smoking (period) not even on some beaches. No surfing, except in designated areas reserved for geezer surfers. No walking down the cliffs any more due to the $$$$ homeowners on the top of the cliff. No barbeques in undesignated areas. No nothing any time. Don't leave your pet excrement anywhere? Don't get rid of your household chemicals except at toxic waste dumps where they bless them and send to
where? No graffiti except if it's real good. There's graffiti nearly everywhere anyway. No coming into our area unless you can pass through our gate into our gated community. No entrance at the bank unless you know how to press a button at the door (too many bank robbers--they are right about this). No driving on the fwy in certain parts of town unless you are willing to chance the latest sniper out to kill whomever. C'est la vie, California right now. Now these no no's only apply if you are a citizen of the US. Illegal aliens and most resident or legal immigrants have the free run of the place.
I forgot one more thing NO HUNTING. If a wild animal approaches you "do not run" just turn the other way. If you have a GUN (NO GUNS by the way) do not shoot the animal even if it threatens you because you will end up in Court. Possibly better a court than a casket?