March 28, 2011

The Monday blues

Some people have to erect special birdhouses to attract bluebirds. Not me. They just show up at my house as if by magic.

I'm more pleased with the blue bird than the green one, which is currently undergoing a renovation. I took a trip to the library today--you know, our local library that I love so much because it has the musty aroma of a real library--to look for a book on beading and embroidery. I need to add more stitch variety now that I'm planning to crank up my bird production. Feather stitches and lazy daisies only go so far.

So we had a busy weekend here at the Concondo. Both kiddies were here--to celebrate the birthdays of Mr. Gadget and Big City Girl. Tech Guy, who is occasionally full of hot air, did a special balloon drop soon after his sister arrived.
She was duly impressed. We decided maybe we'd save the balloons till Easter since they look very much like Easter eggs. But Mr. Gadget, who has a low threshold for clutter, nixed those plans. So TG and I let out the hot air, save for a few, and threw them away. Then TG got busy with a black marking pen.And drew this tough guy.
And this one that he thinks looks a little like me. I got back at him though. First, I let the air out. Then I ate up all of the leftover birthday cake...

1 comment:

Conni said...

Love those little embroidered felt birds!