March 22, 2011

Bird news

Here's the bird ornament so far.
And here's my assessment of Bird Number One:
The size and shape are workable.
I might make larger birds but only to add variety to the flock.
I will do some embroidery on the next one.
I will use smaller beads.
Bird Number One, like most of my previous crafty experiments,
will make a nice addition to our family Christmas tree.
And just in case this blog post hasn't been entertaining enough,
Here's a little more fun from the bird world.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi, Marcia. I read in the paper today that Lucille Ball (I thinnk it was) was so frightened of birds that she refused to stay in a hotel that had birds anywhere of any sort -- on the wallpaper, figurines, tablecloths in the dining room etc. Methinks she would beat holy hell out of your crafts room!! Heh heh. Enjoyed the old pix of the kids. Thank you!

Molly McCuzzin