March 17, 2011

Gotta love a leprechaun!

Happy St. Patty's Day to ya!
If only I had something green to wear...
Oh, right. I forgot about the frondescence.
Maybe I could use them to decorate a hat or something.
Or I could stick them to my clothes
like socks with static cling.
Maybe I'll just check my closet
to see if I have a green shirt.
Mr. G and I will be celebrating on Saturday.
There'll be a St. Patty's dinner party here at the condos.
"I don't think I'll like corned beef and cabbage," said Mr. G.
"Have you ever tried it?" I asked.
"No," he not-even-sheepishly admitted.
"But it just doesn't sound like something I'd like."
I thought about his mother and how she wouldn't eat pumpkin pie
for the same reason.
Until she was in her later years.
She tried it; she liked it.
How sad she missed out on such a tasty dessert all those years.
Sometimes the pumpkin doesn't fall far from the vine.
"Let's go anyway," I said.
"We always have a nice time socializing with our neighbors."
"Besides," I added. "There'll be desserts.
You've never met a dessert you didn't like."
Well....except for pumpkin pie...

1 comment:

Marge Malwitz said...

Love your green story-telling today. Always fun to read.