June 15, 2010


I've decided to take a little break from fabric and venture back into clay. I'm making birds.
I had small, whimsical birds in mind--in primary colors--that would make a pleasant arrangement on the mantel. But clay can be finicky and unpredictable sometimes. What you had in mind isn't always what you end up with. I think I've got a robin here--a chubby little guy who will need to stand alone. And, darn it, he's going to require a more challenging paint job than just red, blue or yellow.
He's probably going to need sturdier legs than these--my first attempt at bending and twisting wire into bird feet.
Maybe I'll just add them to the curio thingie. They'll be an interesting conversation piece if nothing else.
In other birdish news.....on Sunday I spotted a momma duck and her 8 little ducklings parading along in front of a neighbor's garage. Mr. Gadget, in his excitement, closed in a little too closely with his camera and forced momma to take flight at full squawk. I warned him to take cover as she circled overhead.

See the babies over to the left by the sprinkler head? This cute little huddle of ducklings--all squeaking harmoniously--made their way across the next driveway and headed toward the river. And I'm happy to report momma soon caught up.
I'm out of bird stories for now, unless you want me to talk about the chicken I cooked for dinner last night. It was very juicy and tasty, and there are leftovers for tonight. Most of you know I'm a fan of chickens. I've stitched a few in my time. Just so you know, it wasn't one from my collection. And for those of you who might be entertaining evil thoughts......no, it was NOT a duck....

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