February 02, 2010


It looks like the firemen finished their shopping and cooking and had time left over to stop by our complex to resusitate the flagpole. It's been naked and lifeless for over a week....apparently due to some sort of malfunction. But those resourceful firemen with their long ladders, and their vast experience retrieving cats from trees, have come to the rescue. Although I must say they did not come to rescue our cat from a tree many years ago. I was forced to be resourceful on my own. I found a long pole of some kind in the garage. Maybe it was two poles that I lashed together (she was up there pretty high). That, along with a plastic basket and lots of twine, did the trick. And maybe it helped that she was hungry.

Sparkle the cat went on to live many more years--long enough to go deaf and put the fear of God in me with her jarring, loud, obnoxious meowing. Which would prompt Mr. G to question me as to why I rescued her all those years ago. And those questions came up again when she developed arthritis and I built her a handicapped ramp up to our bed.

I hope you know I'm just funning with the firemen. I have the utmost respect for the work they do. I even have a cousin who's a fireman. I wonder if he has any good recipes?

So I've been lagging a little with the blogging. Seems like stuff has a way of getting in the way. Not to mention, a little hand-wringing from afar. Oh, and the fact that my computer is now in a room that is cold. And I left all of my warm clothes on the east coast. I suppose I could turn on the heat, but this is California, after all. Who turns on the heat? I did just discover some nice warm socks in the back of a drawer. Have you ever noticed how when your feet are warm, you're warm all over? I should be back to regular blogging business soon. I have a few blog ideas in mind, and if I ever run out....well, there's always the firemen.


Marcia said...

Man, I know what you mean about those deaf cats....

Kathy W said...

Yep, I noticed how warm feet make ya warm all over!