February 15, 2010

Anybody got a GPS?

I finished a couple of my crocheted flowers and pinned them on my hat.

A plain hat is perfectly acceptable, but a flowered hat is so much more festive.

The same could be said for Mr. Gadget's gym bag.
Maybe I won't tell him I've pinned a flower to it. This could turn out to be a great practical joke. Especially if his pretty bag is sitting on the gym floor, right next to him while he's lifting a big, manly barbell. On second thought, maybe this is not a good idea. It might be a very long time before he'd be willing to open another jar for me, or retrieve something from a high shelf.

So the Brothers Gadget (good thing I didn't say the Brothers Grimm) had a nice visit. Whenever they get together there are usually only two topics of conversation: 1) cars, and 2) humorous stories about their growing-up years. I'll spare you the car stuff. But they really got to laughing about how their mother used to throw shoes at them, or hit them with wooden spoons, whenever they came in past curfew--and sometimes a little tipsy. I've heard these stories before, but I never let on. I'm frequently in need of jar-opening assistance.

Late yesterday morning we all decided to go out for a Korean lunch. My sister-in-law is Korean--as I've mentioned before--so we put her in charge of ordering the food. We picked a restaurant nearby, and we set out on foot. The weather was great and we all like to walk. And wouldn't you know, all three of the Brothers Gadget were clueless about how to find the place. While they all have a fancy GPS in their fancy cars, they're foolish on foot. Finally one of them flagged down a passerby and ask for directions. Fortunately, this guy knew where the place was. He said he and his Korean wife eat there all the time. By the time we finally got there, we were so hungry we ate everything in the 23 little dishes. But only one of us had any idea what exactly we were eating. Sometimes it's probably just as well not to know.

1 comment:

Kathy W said...

I love kimchee!