February 17, 2010

Barnyard therapy

There's nothing like some chicken embroidery therapy to soothe your frazzled nerves. It's so much less expensive than prescription drugs--or a good bottle of Scotch--and there's no annoying hangover. This week Joann's is having a sale on floss, so if you're thinking of signing up for some therapy of your own, hurry on down. Here's a little tutorial for you. Think of it as my small contribution to your sanity.

First, find a picture of something that strikes your fancy. A drawing is the best, and one with simple shapes is even better. Enlarge it on a copy machine. I think I used 175% for mine. You'll have to play around till you find the right size.

Tape the enlarged copy to a sunny window, then tape a piece of white cotton fabric over it--allowing extra space around the edges so you'll have plenty of room to accommodate an embroidery hoop. (I'm just doing the middle chicken.) I usually use white Weaver's cloth. It's available at Joann's too. Mine was $4.99/yard, and--no surprise--it was on sale, so I couldn't use my once-in-a-blue-moon 50% coupon. Trace all around the design with a pencil. I'm usually able to stitch over the lines, but you can always use one of those marking pens with ink that rubs out with a damp cloth.Remove the fabric from the window and use your pencil (or marking pen) to fill in any areas you missed. I drew the chicken dots on afterwards by just referring to the drawing. Some things don't have to be precise. Chicken dots, for instance. Oh, and remember to remove the copy from the window--or else the neighbors will have even more reason to wonder about you....
Now it's all ready for the embroidery hoop. If you're smart, you'll take your picture with you to the thread store so you can match the colors. I forgot to take mine along, but I discovered I have a pretty good color memory. I came very close. And, like the chicken dots, the colors don't have to be precise either. It's just a fun therapy project.
Now, get up off your chair and go get yourself some therapy supplies. You'll feel so much better after you've stitched a chicken.....or a pig, or whatever strikes your particular fancy. My bill in the mail....

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