January 29, 2010

Four-alarm goodness

When you see one of these parked in front of your neighborhood grocery store, it can only mean one of two things. Either there's an emergency going on inside, or......the firemen are on a mission to purchase ingredients for some kind of tasty delight they play to prepare in the firehouse kitchen. This morning it was the latter, and the guys were really hyped-up. I guess they were planning to try a new recipe.
Did you know it takes 4, or maybe even 5, firemen to handle this buying task? There's one to push the cart, one to toss the items in the cart, one to cross the items off the list, and one to pay attention to the radio just in case there's an emergency or some such thing. I briefly considered asking them if I could stop by for a quick bite. But I don't think members of the general citizenry are allowed to just pop in for this sort of thing. Darn.
There's not much going on here at the Calcondo other than witch heads. I painted the hat on witch #1 and started sculpting witch #2.
On Monday I'll be driving down to the OC to have lunch with an old friend I used to work with. We haven't seen each other in decades. We'll meet here first. I probably wouldn't brave the SoCal freeways just for lunch, but with a fabric store thrown in (with yarn even) I'll scare up some courage. Let's just keep that between us, ok?
Well, I'd better move along. It's time to think about dinner. On tonight's menu: broiled Atlantic salmon, fluffy white rice, and four-alarm broccoli.

1 comment:

Kathy W said...

Have fun time meeting with your old co-worker! Sounds like a good time!