January 14, 2010


I read in this morning's newspaper that there were large waves breaking along the beach nearby, so Mr. Gadget and I decided to go down there and have ourselves a look-see. The big surf is a result of a "very large westerly swell" according to the paper, and should subside later today.
I guess if I was any kind of a good blogger, I would have gone in the water with my big floaty thing to provide you with some perspective. But the lifeguards were vigilant in keeping surfers, and large fluffy women with big floaty things, out of the water. So you'll just have to take my word for it that those were some big waves.
After looking at the waves, we took a long walk. I was very sad to see this:
It's an unlucky barkrat that didn't make it across the road. Look how close he is to the crosswalk too. If only he had been smart and walked across there. California drivers are very good about stopping for anyone, or anything, in a crosswalk. It's a wonder I've survived all these years living on the east coast. Hardly anyone stops for a pedestrian back there. I have to admit, I've gotten slack about it myself--but only for fear of being rear-ended...and running into the pedestrian in the process. You'd think the police would ticket people who do this, but these incidents rarely happen close to a Dunkin Donuts.
Mr. Gadget walked up to the Asian market this afternoon for a couple of our favorite salads, and I asked him to please pick up my favorite--daikon radish. You may remember, I made some myself a while back. Although it's delicious to eat, it does begin to give off an unpleasant aroma after a couple of days. It's like kimchi that way--a favorite of Mr. G's. So now he's gone off to the gym and I decided to have a little of my radish salad as an afternoon snack. And even though I opened and closed the container quickly, now the condo smells bad. So I'm thinking maybe the only reasonable solution is to throw the whole mess down the garbage disposal and stick strictly to chocolate from now on for all my snacking needs.....

1 comment:

Marcia said...

You should have put Mr. G in the foreground of the photo (on the sand) for perspective....those waves really don't look that big from here! I'm going to email you a photo of a snack that will make CalCondo smell GREAT!