January 05, 2010

The fine art of whistling

This is day two of a two-day event during which Mr. Gadget and I play host to a painting crew that has come to patch, sand, spackle, and repaint little blemishes in the walls and ceilings of our new condo. But really, with the lights down low you can hardly see them. Still, it's nice to know all the little nail pops and gouges will be a thing of the past....like last year's diet plan. And it would be nice if they'd make this the first annual, but that's not gonna happen.
What is worth noting about these men is that they whistle while they work. I can't remember the last time I heard someone who liked their job well enough to whistle while doing it. Refreshing. I do believe whistling is fast becoming a lost art.
The last whistling I heard....well, I should say heard about....was when Mr. Gadget was working in his basement office in the old house and he came upstairs, looking slightly perplexed, to report that he'd heard whistling down there--even though he was alone.....and wasn't doing the whistling himself.
"Oh," I said, "it was probably your mom. Remember when she told us she had never ever whistled because, as a child, she was told it was unladylike?" Mr. G's demeanor quickly changed from perplexed to unsettled.
"She probably just wants to let you know she's fine, and that she is happy because in Heaven she can whistle to her heart's content."
So while the painting crew is here, happily whistling and spackling, Mr. Gadget and I are endeavoring to stay out of their way.
I've been working on a new clay piece--an angel for a friend's birthday. I don't think this friend reads the blog, but if she does....Sandi, she'll be heading down to Texas soon.
I used an empty nail polish remover bottle as a base, and put a covering of aluminum foil over the cap for the head. My new clay tools were very useful, especially the sharp knife edge for cutting out the wing and collar shapes.

I've always admired Mexican art, especially paper mache. Much of it has a primitive look, and as you know, I like all things primitive. It's a way for me to justify the little flaws in my work....those flaws that are so important for adding character....

I just realized the poor thing doesn't have nostrils. I'd better hurry and paint some on because she's got plenty of work to do. It's going to be a while before she can join her friends in that heavenly whistling realm.

1 comment:

Marcia said...

She's great! What's her name, Angelique?