February 05, 2009

Where's that bonbon delivery guy?

Mr. Gadget worries that my blog readers must think I just do crafty stuff all day. So I'm here to tell you there has been a little housework going on. Very little. This morning I went to the grocery store and came home to give the kitchen floor a quick sweep.

When we're here at the Calcondo, I always feel we're somehow just camping out. There's not much to be done at a campsite, right? Just make sure the campfire is out before retiring at night so you don't burn down the tent? I'm not a camper, but I'm just guessing.

We're getting some rain today and the temperatures have plunged down to the low 60's. I'm thinking of putting on a sweater. Then maybe I'll get the Windex out and spritz a couple of mirrors.....


Anonymous said...

We had a HIGH today of about 24º. It was about 12º when I went out on the snowshoes. YOU get no sympathy!

Karen said...

You are a mean person! My nose hair froze when I went out to get the mail today.