February 25, 2009

Fixins' for a project

I've started a new project. It's something I've planned on doing for a long time, but just never seem to get around to.....what with the wedding ladybugs, the felt hearts, and all that clay business. Part of it is finished already, so now I'm assembling. You'll just have to stay tuned....

This evening I'm going to dinner with Lydia, a friend I knew in high school. In fact, Lydia and I took driver's training together. As I recall, our teacher was Mr. Dubois. He was rather gruff, especially that time he had to jam on his brakes when I started to pull out in front of a school bus. Good thing he had those brakes, but I sure was shaking in fright after that little episode. I probably stayed home sick the next day. I wonder if Lydia remembers that incident. I don't think I'll ask her, since I really don't want to relive it...especially during our gourmet dinner at Denny's .

Here's a picture of a car like the one we learned to drive in. It wasn't red though. It was a very drab shade of green.....one of those colors real people would never buy.

Some kids--my own, for instance--looked forward to their on-the-road training sessions. I can only remember going to school for those two weeks with a daily stomach ache. I still don't like to drive much, but it's the only way I can get to fabric and yarn stores....

Here's something interesting I saw a few weeks ago.

I'm thinking of getting one of these signs for Mr. Gadget's office. He's got a birthday coming up. It would be perfect mounted on the wall just outside the door, maybe with one of those flashing red lights....


Anonymous said...

I remember Mr. DuBois. Didn't get to take driver's ed class, though. Mom had to teach me earlier and that sure was a frightening experience!! One I don't like to remember. I bet if I saw a picture of Lydia, I'd remember her, too!

Anonymous said...

Is that a Crazy Quilt I see? Cool! As for those cars, I think my parents owned one, only in silver! I didn't do Driver's Ed....my father got a permit to teach me and I spent almost a year keeping track on a chart of every one of the 500 miles I had to drive with him before I could get my license. Boy, could I drive when I got through! (We did the same thing with our boys...on a standard shift car!)