November 07, 2008

Road work ahead

Tuesday I had my ballot scanned. Today it was my neck. My turkey neck.....although the technician was nice enough not to mention it. Once a person starts the march toward elderlihood, doctors start scrutinizing. Mine wants to make sure my blood is flowing through a highway system that's relatively free of road construction with a minimum of pot holes and detours.

It always tickles me when the receptionist puts that little plastic wrist band on me.....just in case I might happen to expire from the pressure of that scan thingie. But I suppose they have their procedures and their rules. I've learned it's best not to cross these folks. I'm diligent about filling in my paperwork, even though they already have my info on file, and I remember to say please and thank you. This way they won't try anything tricky like waiting till I sit down and then yelling across the waiting room, "Tell me again what is it you're here for?"

Now back to the downsizing project. Next up on the list of things to get rid of is Tech Guy's old college dorm fridge. It's not a pretty sight, even though it works fine and has managed to keep several years' worth of Thanksgiving pumpkin pies cold.
I may have to think up a clever way to sweeten this deal too, although we do live in a college town so that should help. And based on my parental knowledge of college dormitories, I think this will nicely complement any sort of current dorm decor. I guess I could promise some old cans of spray paint that could be used to pretty-up this sad-looking little fridge. But then I'd worry about it falling into the wrong hands. Mr. G and I wouldn't be happy to find graffiti on the side of our garage--the work of some disgruntled student with warm beer.

I'm going to try to squeeze in a small sewing project in the next few days. I think I mentioned a while back that our Wichita family members are cloth-napkin users--napkins that have been produced on my sewing machine over the years. But lately I've been negligent and they gently pointed out to me, during our visit last spring, that their supply is getting threadbare. I promised I'd do better.
So I'll be sending them some new napkins with Christmas kitties soon. Why yes, it does look a lot like Henry.

Maybe I should make these for Henry's family. Maybe I should look for some different fabric for the prairie relatives. Perhaps something more prairie-like. Maybe with cows and corn. I mean wheat....


Anonymous said...

The Kansas state flower is the sunflower....those are nice on napkins!

kathy b said...

Henri's family would LOVE THEM. I can just tell.