November 22, 2008

Gardening season

I remember my growing-up years in southern California and how exciting it was each Christmas season to sponge a certain window-cleaning product on our windows in an effort to duplicate this icy look. Here on the east coast, Mother Nature does the decorating. Mighty convenient.
So my trip down to the big city to visit BCG was fun, and the highlight was our 67-story non-stop elevator ride up to the Top of the Rock.
While there's no end of noise on the sidewalks of New York,
from this vantage point, the city whispers. This is a view of Central Park.St Patrick's Cathedral is in the lower center of the picture. If only I were taller.
Here's the Empire State Building. It was a mostly overcast day, but you can see a few rays of sun shining down on it.

We had a lovely lunch, after which we shared a piece of pumpkin cheesecake.

So I was indeed fortunate to have a loss at Weight Watchers this morning. I'm back tending my little container garden again.
What I've learned over the many years of dieting stops and starts is that it's really just a matter of staying on the main road with a destination in mind. There will always be bumps, detours, and the occasional road construction. But if you have a road map and you don't veer off the interstate too far, you'll get there eventually. Meanwhile, find some fun and interesting things to do so you won't fret over how the trip you expected to make in 3 months is ending up taking a year. Just a little flower-pot wisdom for ya......


Anonymous said...

Looks like a fun trip! Nice flowerpot, too.

Anonymous said...

Neat photos! I saved the view of Central Park in my files.....