November 18, 2008

In training

Mr. Gadget loves to sit down at the computer, after a hard day of retirement, and play a game of Tetris. He's very good at it, and so is Big City Girl. I guess those Tetris tiles don't fall far from the Tetris tree. Turns out Mr. G has been in training all these years for the big move.
I'm sure he'll pack our rented truck with the utmost efficiency.

I do remember how his father used to accompany his mother to the grocery store, and then insist on putting all of the groceries away. He had a system and shunned all offers of assistance. I can only wonder if BCG has inherited this trait. If so, it's a dormant one at this point, except for the Tetris thing. Although she has included a weekly planner on her Christmas wish list, so I'm wondering.....can spread sheets be far behind?

My craft project is coming along nicely. I know my state-of-mind has benefitted from taking small creative time-outs from the sorting, packing, tossing, and dust overdoses. My sewing machine, fabric scraps and glue gun will be the last to go.

Meanwhile, we visited the new condo last weekend and noticed some real progress. The wood floors are in and installation has begun on the kitchen cabinets.

The builder seems to be a man of his word, so we're expecting an on-time arrival.

Mr. G and I have been making steady progress on our house de-cluttering project. This past Sunday we sent our dining room set out the door to a new owner. The story of its departure is worth telling, since we were baffled by the clueless-ness of these folks. The table was large and heavy, with six sturdy chairs. I emailed a picture. They arrived in two cars, took a look at the set and scratched their heads. "I guess we shoulda brought a truck, Honey," the Mr. said to the Mrs.

They loaded up the chairs with no problem, two in one car and four in the other, but realized they'd have to take the table apart if they hoped to get it home in one or both of their vehicles.
Here's a picture of the decapitation. I apologize. I should have covered this grisly scene with a white sheet. At least it was their table at this point because money had changed hands. It took them two more for each half. It's kinda nice to have the dining room empty now. I have a feeling there's going to be more Tetris.....

1 comment:

Jen said...

The tetris thing had me laughing! I'm also jealous of your new kitchen... but in a good way.